DB-Guru's Portfolio

Our database development team can develop user interface forms and menus in any style.

Below are some sample forms to give you an idea of the style and forms available, however they can be customized to suit your business's needs and preferences. Forms can be customized to enable access however you need it. If you, or someone in your company wants to be able to change the forms, reports, etc., that access can be enabled. However; user access can also be restricted to only certain fields and buttons to enter and run necessary reports to maintain database security as needed.

Click on any of the images below to see a larger version.

Microsoft Access Sample List Form

In our typical development, unless the Client has a preference List and Detail forms are created. Left/above is one sample of a List form. These forms provide a lot of flexibility for the user to sort and filter the records very much like an Excel Spreadsheet. This sample database has 698 records but the data has been hidden to protect client confidentiality. When the user clicks the Open link on the left of the form the Detail form is opened for ease of data entry and to view all fields. These List forms can easily be modified to show as little or as many fields as desired by scrolling the form to the right. They can also be programmed to flag certain parameters as shown with the Extended Term Status at the top, and the Open buttons that meet that parameter are color coded yellow. Multiple parameters may be setup.

Microsoft Access Sample List FMLS

Another sample List form with some less sensitive data showing, so you can see the rows more clearly. They are almost identical to an Excel Spreadsheet. Most data can be sorted and filtered by each of the columns. Unless increased security is enabled the columns may be dragged and dropped into the order preferred by each user.

Access List Form Sorting and Filtering Text Data

Sorting and Filtering Text data is a simple process on the list forms by clicking the caret next to the field that you wish to sort or filter. Advanced filter options are also available.